Sam the Kid invites Vludo, Amaura, Orteum e Tom Freakin' Soyer

Festival Iminente

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

Iminente Takeover. It’s a Festival. It really is. But not really.

14 Oct 2023  
— 21:00 
— Stage Choque
Sam the Kid invites Vludo, Amaura, Orteum e Tom Freakin' Soyer

Sam The Kid não é só Entre(tanto), Sobre(tudo), Beats Vol1: Amor, Pratica(mente) ou Mechelas. É uma das mais influentes vozes da música nacional, é TV Chelas, é Três Pancadas, é um dos mais competentes e apreciados produtores do nosso país, é Orelha Negra, é Crime do Padre Amaro ou Classe Crua. 

É fundamentalmente hip hop tuga, entre outras tantas coisas. Para o espetáculo no Iminente Takeover, convida a dupla VLUDO, a cantautora Amaura, o grupo de culto ORTEUM e o beatmaker Tom Freakin’ Soyer.